Category: Public Health

  • The truth that dare not speak its name: corruption in health services

    Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today -Mahatma Gandhi Some things are better assumed and neglected, than acknowledged and attended to. In public health research, these often find a passing mention in “Discussion” section where findings are explained, and worse still, may be as a “contextual”…

  • Justice not so blind in Chhatisgarh

    It is a shameful day in the history of Indian judiciary, when a doctor who stood as a voice for the poor, oppressed and marginalised is polished off in the most unceremonious way to a life in the prison. What is on trial is indeed justice itself in this case. Over the last few years,…

  • Switching the poles – the ITM way

    A lot has been said, something has been tried and many reports have been published about the huge North-South divide seen in the world today. The resource-rich, but economically poor global South continues to reel under socio-economic, political and apparently scientific poverty (if research publications are any index of science!). We, the global South have…

  • The memory remains: MMC ’97 fast-forward

    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. – Douglas Adams It was just another among many Novembers for the Head of department of Anatomy at Mysore Medical College. However, it was a special moment for the close to hundred eager…

  • Damned if I die, damned if I don’t

    Farmer’s suicide is a silent killer being brushed aside as a marginal issue; after all, a few farmers taking their life ‘here and there’ can’t be that serious. Hmm….neither is it ‘few farmers’ (nearly 200,000 in 10 years) nor is it here and there (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh are just the…