Category: Poetry

  • The inconspicuous intangibles

    The inconspicuous intangibles the unknown unknowns of the internal workings of the human mind; Our infinitely spectacular agency Manifesting from a physico-chemical tangibleGiving forth irreducible intangiblesJoy and tear, cheer & fearA shared structure, a tangible formGives deities & deviantsShapes tools and implements That one day, unhinderedly reach withinOur mind’s tools turn upon its makerDerive ways…

  • Dignity

    At a recent workshop for south Indian Adivasi writers, Werner Soors (of Les Petit Roberts fame) wrote this poem rather spontaneously based on a brainstorm of potential themes of interest for writing. He set it to a blues rhythm on his Ukulele and even sang it but meanwhile the English text of the song of…

  • I am not your data | ನಾನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಂಕಿ ಅಂಶವಲ್ಲ | Abhay Xaxa/ಅಭಯ್ ಖಾಖಾ

    Sociologist and activist Abhay Xaxa has written this poem that I found deeply illuminating for many privileged folks like myself who work with Adivasi communities. Since the poem in English is not accessible to many of my Kannada-speaking colleagues & collaborators, with help from Latha Chilgod, we produced a crude Kannada translation of the poem.…

  • Social embellish

    Whose son you are Whose you’re not Daughter not by any Coupling double Xs The neighbourhood, The house the hand that rocked the cradle the hand that didn’t love that wasn’t The unfair social embellish Over one’s random gene bounty For one brings luck For another just muck

  • Pachelbel’s Canon in D

    Thanks to GSK & ASM for sharing this with me.