Tag: social determinants of health

  • Social embellish

    Whose son you are Whose you’re not Daughter not by any Coupling double Xs The neighbourhood, The house the hand that rocked the cradle the hand that didn’t love that wasn’t The unfair social embellish Over one’s random gene bounty For one brings luck For another just muck

  • COVID-19 in Karnataka: Strengthening primary health care & action on social determinants of health

    On invitation by Societal Action Group of Experts to Combat COVID Calamity in Karnataka (SAGE), I joined few other speakers in this webinar event. In my talk I focused mainly on strengthening primary health care and social determinants of health. Given a wider audience, I anchor my presentation within a wider systemic view of public…

  • Vulnerability: An article for CMJI

    From an article for a special issue of Christian Medical Journal of India on vulnerability published in December 2018 [Download article here] The word Vulnerability, like many other words in modern English, comes from late Latin vulnerābilis (wounding) or vulnus (wound), according to Webster’s dictionary. In its current use, the word carries a wider meaning…

  • Primary health care and social determinants of health

    Health, after all, is simply an everyday word that is used to designate the intensity with which individuals cope with their internal states and their environmental conditions – Ivan  Illich in Medical Nemesis In 2008, while releasing the final report of the WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health, WHO Director Margaret Chan remarked …social…