Category: Public Health

  • Notes on policymaking

    Some stray observations on the policy process spurred by arm-chair wannabe-activists who can string together all the right words (and sentiments) to stoke people’s emotions, but clearly lacking the perseverance required to participate in a process where all shades of actors (whether we like them or not) have their (un)equal influences.

  • Of scorpion stings and antivenoms

    I was quite puzzled by the general lack of information and clarity over treatment of scorpion stings. A phone call from a friend requesting urgent help from a remote forested area triggered me to put together this blog on scorpion sting response.

  • The emperor of all maladies: a review

    This is one of the best books I have read. Depressing, intense, detailed, thorough, free-flowing and reflective. The book pulls the people from the history of medicine (or sceince itself) into a living narrative putting together pieces of apparently disjunct and inconspicuous and serendipitous events in the lives of cancer patients, researchers, doctors, surgeons, scientists…

  • From questionable social subsidies to unquestioned corporate welfare

    An unusually punctual gathering on the dais greeted me at Rotary Club. Thankfully, this was a gathering of unimportant people both on and off the dais; none of those species of “Very Important People” often sporting Anna-like caps were invited to the gathering and things started on time. P Sainath was supposed to be speaking…

  • … and Then The Dessert Arrived: Global Health Dichotomies

    The story was tragic. A Tuberculosis patient from India who died because the system which was expected to provide for his treatment failed to deliver… and then the dessert arrived. The setting? The official dinner of the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research organized at the Montreux