- 190 mosquito bites on avg/night in Apac, #Uganda. From Alexander to the unnamed lady in Apac, malaria cont. to kill! http://bit.ly/cZyNt6 #
- RT @noelladsa: German women talking about mass rape by Russian, American and British troops at the end of WWII .http://bit.ly/apSXSs #
- I've favourited a YouTube video — Raghuvamsa sudha http://youtu.be/l89ZaBqYiTA?a #
- An old one, but one of @billmaher best. "Michael Jackson is America!!" http://youtu.be/efBKINY58Ho #HBO #
- #India cries fowl over #WTO trading regulations that prevent generic drug trade between developing countries. http://bit.ly/bgnFBs Go India! #
- Impressive! 102 year met dataset available for download thanks to #Indiawaterportal for any part of #india. http://bit.ly/cLtovu #opendata #
- Shifting to copy-editing for a while on #wikipedia, perhaps it will help my Phd? 🙂 http://bit.ly/cMDWgc A quality drive – Join! #
- Internet chain mail and survival of family names: similar patterns. http://bit.ly/dhdtJG #
- #Polio eradication – Healthy oral vaccine recipients are shedding wild virus and other uncomfortable questions. http://bit.ly/a6tyu9 #
- Inequity: Do we care enough? http://bit.ly/9Q3onR #poverty #India #
- #BP fights #oilspill by buying 'search terms' on google!…cleanup will be better on media than on the sea. http://bit.ly/biv3LK #BMJ #
- #Darwin booklet: A collection of papers from #Science. #freedownload http://bit.ly/aRwjZi #
- Sharing public health data: necessary and now. http://bit.ly/92qSFi #thelancet #opendata #
- #WHO #swineflu ride: More reports of WHO collusion with big pharma. http://bit.ly/ciilgV #publichealth #
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