Arvind Kejriwal was quite a phenomenon. In spite of being a late adopter (a hopeless romantic that I am, I was waiting for a Mac among politicians, but agreed to settle for an Ubuntu), I slowly allowed myself to drift and get carried along the gentle AAP-tide. The crest wasn’t too tall and the trough was quite deep.
After being one of the most promising and refreshing of political movements that India saw (with comparisons to the Arab Spring and such), the party’s adolescence couldn’t have been more unsettling than the way in which they are handling “governance”, the proclaimed anarchic traits of the Delhi chief minister and the rowdyish moralising of their crew, who are out to apply their moral judgements in street-level judgements.
Couldn’t hold myself back from penning a quick mail to Team AAP, when they sent their Thank you mail for enrolling in their party. Some just and some jest too…
Dear Team AAP,
Thank you for notifying me about my membership and asking me to update details.After my initial enthusiastic decision to enrol and subsequently experiencing a sense of accomplishment at making a new beginning on political engagement with AAP, I watched with utter disbelief the panning out of Arvind Kejriwal’s childish pranks and your Delhi Minister’s rowdy prattle.Please count me out from any further volunteering. The motley Anna pales in comparison to you. Anna was merely like a misdirected child with some unnecessary piety and shrill chatter. But you are like a Dennis the Menace crossed with Calvin, except that the terrible parts of both crossed instead of their comic part that comes through in the newspaper strips.That said, I shall not (yet) withdraw my membership and will keenly watch the anarchy (or hopefully the lack of it) unfold.Reagrds, and best wishes,PrashanthPS: Don’t share this mail with SOmnath Bharthi, now that I gave you my address while registering. I am frightened that he might come outside my house with Delhi Police and demand my arrest or such.On 06-Feb-2014, at 7:21 am, Aam Aadmi Party <> wrote:Dear Prashanth Nuggehalli Srinivas,
You are a pillar of strength for AAP. It is your support that has brought us all so far.
These are historic times and now we have an opportunity to contribute in eradicating corruption and entrust ourselves with a just and equitable society.
This can be done by contributing your time with AAP as volunteer, and become actively involved in the fight for overall systemic change.
Your membership number is <cut> and the phone number you gave while registering is [MOBILE]. Login and update your details at <cut>
One small step of yours would ultimately mean a Giant leap for our Nation.
Team AAP<powerphplist.png>

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