An intersectional analysis of malnutrition in India

With two wonderful colleagues from our Institute’s health equity cluster, we recently published an article in the International Journal of Equity & Health. The study reports the results of an analysis of inequities in child malnutrition across intersectional population sub-groups. Further, we also used a more comprehensive population-level indicator of malnutrition than what is typically used: occurrence of stunting, wasting, and/or underweight. The work was conceptualized largely by Sabu while the data analysis was heavily supported by Yogish, both early-career researchers at the health equity cluster.

I did a rather detailed Twitter thread on the paper. The full PDF of the paper can be downloaded here.

Thread on the paper

Was already commented that this ought to be a blog post rather than a Twitter thread!

So here is a single link where the entire thread can be read on one page


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